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#!/bin/csh -f # SCCSid "@(#)objpict.csh 2.1 11/12/91 LBL" # # Make a nice multi-view picture of an object # Standard input is description made to fit in unit cube in positive quadrant # set objdir=/usr/local/lib/ray/lib set tmpdir=/usr/tmp set xres=250 set yres=250 set rpict="rpict -av .2 .2 .2 -x $xres -y $yres $*" set octree=$tmpdir/op$$.oct set pict1=$tmpdir/op$$a.pic set pict2=$tmpdir/op$$b.pic set pict3=$tmpdir/op$$c.pic set pict4=$tmpdir/op$$d.pic set tmpfiles="$octree $pict1 $pict2 $pict3 $pict4" onintr quit set vw1="-vtl -vp 2 .5 .5 -vd -1 0 0 -vh 1 -vv 1" set vw2="-vtl -vp .5 2 .5 -vd 0 -1 0 -vh 1 -vv 1" set vw3="-vtl -vp .5 .5 2 -vd 0 0 -1 -vu -1 0 0 -vh 1 -vv 1" set vw4="-vp 3 3 3 -vd -1 -1 -1 -vh 20 -vv 20" oconv $objdir/testroom - > $octree $rpict $vw1 $octree > $pict1 $rpict $vw2 $octree > $pict2 $rpict $vw3 $octree > $pict3 $rpict $vw4 $octree > $pict4 pcompos $pict3 0 $yres $pict4 $xres $yres $pict1 0 0 $pict2 $xres 0 quit: rm -f $tmpfiles exit 0
by admin – last modified Nov 09, 2019 09:22 AM