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Radiance Version 3.1.20 Binaries for some common platforms are provided for your convenience. If they do not work on your platform, please attempt to compile Radiance from the source code before contacting LBNL for assistance. The same applies if you do not find binaries for your platform. For a complete installation you will need one of the binary distribution tar files plus the Radiance Library tar file, either "raylib.tar.Z" or "raylib.tar.gz" In general, the files ending with ".Z" are compressed with the "compress" command (use uncompress to expand) and the files ending in ".gz" are compressed with gzip (use gunzip or gzip -d to expand). The usual command to extract the files from the tar file is "tar -xf .tar". If you have the GNU utilities, you can combine these commands into one step with "tar -zxf .tar.gz" Here is a list of the main downloads: Radiance3R1P20.tar.Z Complete Radiance source code and documentation Radiance3R1P20.tar.gz Put these in /usr/local or similar. raylib.tar.Z Radiance library and support files. Necessary raylib.tar.gz only if you do not download the source code. Put these into /usr/local/lib/ray or similar. linuxX86bin.tar.gz Binaries for Redhat Linux 6.0 ELF. Note: becuase of a bug in the qsort function, the optimization of ambient files is disabled. This will affect calculation speed for machines with limited RAM during the computation of scenes with large ambient data files. linuxPPCbin.tar.gz Binaries for Linux 6.0 for PCI-based PowerPC's. sgibin.tar.Z Binaries for Silicon Graphics IRIX 6.2 or later. sgibin.tar.gz sunbin.tar.Z Binaries for SunOS 4.1.3 Unpack the binaries into ~user/bin, /usr/local/bin, or some other directory that is part of your "PATH" environment variable. Unpack the raylib package into ~user/lib, /usr/local/ray/lib, or some other directory on which you have write permission. Set the RAYPATH environment variable to this location. This variable tells Radiance where to look for auxiliary files, and usually includes the current directory as well as the system library (ray/lib in the complete distribution). As you develop auxiliary files yourself, it is often useful to add in your own library directory before the system directory. An example setting such as this would go in a user's .login file: setenv RAYPATH .:${HOME}/mylib:/usr/local/lib/ray You may have to log out and then log in again to activate this environment variable. Visit the Radiance web site and help yourself to the wealth of on-line documentation: You may wish to also download the entire Radiance source code package to obtain the on-line manuals and example Radiance scenes. These can be found in the ray/doc and ray/obj directories respectively.
by admin – last modified Nov 09, 2019 09:22 AM