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IESDATA This directory contains luminaire output data in standard IES format. These files can be converted to Radiance scene files using ies2rad. Since ies2rad provides a number of options for the translation, it is a good idea to keep the original IES files around. Also, we welcome any IES files you might want to add to our collection. As you can see, our selection could use some fresh blood. emco.tar.Z - EMCO street lights gardco.tar.Z - GARDCO street lights headlight.tar.Z - A few headlights with wide distributions ies.tar.Z - The standard IES luminaire set Bega-ies.tar.gz - GNU-zipped Bega fixtures LiteControl-ies.tar.gz - GNU-zipped LiteControl fixtures
by admin – last modified Nov 09, 2019 09:22 AM