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Radiance genclock program

GENCLOCK(1)                                                        GENCLOCK(1)


       genclock - generate a RADIANCE description of a clock


       genclock [ -f face_mat ][ -c case_mat ][ -n name ] { HH:MM | hours }


       Genclock produces a RADIANCE scene description of an analog clock show-
       ing the given hour.  The hour may either be given as HH:MM  or  decimal

       The  face  of  the clock will have a radius of 1.0 units, with the sur-
       rounding case 1.1 (2.2 diameter).  The origin is at the center  of  the
       back,  and  the face looks in the positive X-direction.  The 12 o'clock
       direction corresponds to the positive Z-axis.  (The Y-axis direction is
       3  o'clock.)   The  xform(1) command may be used to resize and relocate
       the clock as desired.

       Normally, genclock produces all of the materials necessary for its  own
       description,  but  options  are provided to specify alternate materials
       for the face and case.  The numbers on the face are in dark  lettering,
       so the face material must be relatively light for them to show up well.
       By default, the clock is given  the  name  "clock,"  but  this  may  be
       changed with the -n option.


       To  produce a 12 inch diameter clock showing 10:35 and hang it at 60 on
       a wall facing the Y-direction at Y=10:

         genclock 10:35 | xform -s 6 -rz 90 -t 20 10 60


       Greg Ward


       genbox(1),  genrev(1),  gensurf(1),   genworm(1),   rpict(1),   rvu(1),

RADIANCE                            4/9/97                         GENCLOCK(1)

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by admin – last modified Nov 09, 2019 09:22 AM