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c_hmaterial, c_getmaterial, c_cmname, c_cmaterial - material entity support Return to index


c_hmaterial, c_getmaterial, c_cmname, c_cmaterial - material entity support


#include "parser.h"

int c_hmaterial( int argc, char **argv )

C_MATERIAL *c_getmaterial( char *name )

extern char *c_cmname

extern C_MATERIAL *c_cmaterial


The c_hmaterial function supports the MGF entities, m, ed, ir, rd, rs, sides, td, and ts. It is an error to support any of the material field entities without supporting the m entity itself. The assignments are normally made to the mg_ehand array prior to parser initialization, like so:

mg_ehand[MG_E_MATERIAL] = c_hmaterial;		/* support "m" entity */
mg_ehand[MG_E_ED] = c_hmaterial;		/* support "ed" entity */
mg_ehand[MG_E_IR] = c_hmaterial;		/* support "ir" entity */
mg_ehand[MG_E_RD] = c_hmaterial;		/* support "rd" entity */
mg_ehand[MG_E_RS] = c_hmaterial;		/* support "rs" entity */
mg_ehand[MG_E_SIDES] = c_hmaterial;		/* support "sides" entity */
mg_ehand[MG_E_TD] = c_hmaterial;		/* support "td" entity */
mg_ehand[MG_E_TS] = c_hmaterial;		/* support "ts" entity */
/* other entity handler assignments... */
mg_init();			/* initialize parser */
Any of the above entities besides m may be unsupported, but the parser will not attempt to include their effect into other members, e.g. an unsupported rs component will not be added back into the rd member. It is therefore safer to support all of the relevant material entities and make final approximations from the complete C_MATERIAL structure.

The c_getmaterial function takes the name of a defined material and returns a pointer to its C_MATERIAL structure, defined in "parser.h" as:

#define C_1SIDEDTHICK	0.005		/* assumed thickness of 1-sided mat. */

typedef struct {
	int	clock;		/* incremented each change -- resettable */
	int	sided;		/* 1 if surface is 1-sided, 0 for 2-sided */
	float	nr, ni;		/* index of refraction, real and imaginary */
	float	rd;		/* diffuse reflectance */
	C_COLOR	rd_c;		/* diffuse reflectance color */
	float	td;		/* diffuse transmittance */
	C_COLOR	td_c;		/* diffuse transmittance color */
	float	ed;		/* diffuse emittance */
	C_COLOR	ed_c;		/* diffuse emittance color */
	float	rs;		/* specular reflectance */
	C_COLOR	rs_c;		/* specular reflectance color */
	float	rs_a;		/* specular reflectance roughness */
	float	ts;		/* specular transmittance */
	C_COLOR	ts_c;		/* specular transmittance color */
	float	ts_a;		/* specular transmittance roughness */
} C_MATERIAL;		/* material context */
The clock member will be incremented each time the value gets changed by a material field entity, and may be reset by the calling program if desired. This is a convenient way to keep track of whether or not a material has changed since its last use.

All reflectance and transmittance values correspond to normal incidence, and may vary as a function of angle depending on the index of refraction. A solid object is normally represented with a one-sided material. A two-sided material is most appropriate for thin surfaces, though it may be used also when the surface normal orientations in a model are unreliable.

If a transparent or translucent surface is one-sided, then the absorption will change as a function of distance through the material, and a single value for diffuse or specular transmittance is ambiguous. We therefore define a standard thickness, C_1SIDEDTHICK, which is the object thickness to which the given values correspond, so that one may compute the isotropic absorptance of the material.

It is possible but not recommended to alter the contents of the material structure returned by c_getmaterial. Normally, this routine is never called directly, since there are no entities that access materials by name other than m.

The global variable c_cmname points to the name of the current material, or NULL if it is unnamed. The variable c_cmaterial points to the current material value, which should never be NULL.


The c_hmaterial function returns MG_OK (0) if the color is handled correctly, or one of the predefined error values if there is a problem. (See the mg_load page for a list of errors.)

The c_getmaterial function returns NULL if the specified material name is undefined, at which point the calling function should return an MG_EUNDEF error.


c_hcolor, c_hvertex, mg_init, mg_load

by admin – last modified Nov 09, 2019 09:21 AM