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The Materials and Geometry Format

The Materials and Geometry Format

Version 1.0, May 1995

Greg Ward, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, [email protected]


What makes MGF special?

What does MGF look like?

MGF's place in the world of standards

MGF Basics

The default coordinate system in MGF is right-handed with distances given in meters, though this can be effectively changed by specifying a global transformation. The transformation context is affected by the xf entity, and the whole of MGF can be understood in terms of entities and contexts.

Entities and Contexts

Hierarchical Contexts and Transformations

Detailed MGF Example

MGF Entity Reference

MGF Translators

MGF Parser Library

Application Notes

Relation to Standard Practices in Computer Graphics

Relation to IESNA LM-63 and Luminaire Catalogs


by admin – last modified Nov 09, 2019 09:21 AM