[Radiance-openstudio] Stuffing with 0's

Guglielmetti, Robert Robert.Guglielmetti at nrel.gov
Wed Mar 13 15:11:26 PDT 2013

Hi Sandy,

Good to see you're trying out the OpenStudio Radiance stuff! Yes that error is due to a problem gendaylit had during a timestep(s). This is generally caused by a sun close to the horizon. The latest version of gendaylit offers a more robust failure mode that we plan to integrate into OpenStudio, but at the moment our solution is the one you see. Hopefully it's not happening too frequently; if it is I'd be happy to take a look at your model and weather file to make sure there isn't something else going on. Just send me the files as an email attachment, and don't post to the list because attachments will be rejected. Thanks!

- Rob

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-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy Houck [shouck at brummitt.com<mailto:shouck at brummitt.com>]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 04:04 PM Mountain Standard Time
To: radiance-openstudio at radiance-online.org
Subject: [Radiance-openstudio] Stuffing with 0's

Hi All,

I am just starting with Radiance & Open Studio & I’m getting the following error – similar to Khalid’s post from Feb. 5:

ERROR: simulation command generated no results: gendaylit -ang 28.0599682021765 73.4617566538783 -L 22371.1586095907 20159.2085753214 | perl "C:/Program Files (x86)/Radiance/bin/genskyvec.pl" -m 2 | dctimestep ./output/dc/merged_space/maps/merged_space.dmx | rcalc -e "$1=179*($1*0.265+$2*0.67+$3*0.065)"
INFO: simulation command generated no results, stuffing with 0's
Radiance (rcontrib) calculating: 9 17 17:00:00

From Rob’s response to Khalid it sounded like this was a problem with the Perez sky generation.  Is there a workaround on this?  Is it a problem caused by Windows? Because as I was watching Rob’s tutorial  it didn’t happen to him

Thank  you in advance!


Sandy Houck   LEED AP BD+C, LC
Brummitt Energy Associates, Inc.

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