[Radiance-openstudio] Stuffing with 0's

Sandy Houck shouck at brummitt.com
Wed Mar 13 14:52:32 PDT 2013

Hi All,

I am just starting with Radiance & Open Studio & I'm getting the following error - similar to Khalid's post from Feb. 5:

ERROR: simulation command generated no results: gendaylit -ang 28.0599682021765 73.4617566538783 -L 22371.1586095907 20159.2085753214 | perl "C:/Program Files (x86)/Radiance/bin/genskyvec.pl" -m 2 | dctimestep ./output/dc/merged_space/maps/merged_space.dmx | rcalc -e "$1=179*($1*0.265+$2*0.67+$3*0.065)"
INFO: simulation command generated no results, stuffing with 0's
Radiance (rcontrib) calculating: 9 17 17:00:00

>From Rob's response to Khalid it sounded like this was a problem with the Perez sky generation.  Is there a workaround on this?  Is it a problem caused by Windows? Because as I was watching Rob's tutorial  it didn't happen to him

Thank  you in advance!


Sandy Houck   LEED AP BD+C, LC
Brummitt Energy Associates, Inc.

See some of our signature projects at our new website!


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