[Radiance-general] pure monte carlo rendering tips

Mark Stock mstock at umich.edu
Tue Jan 27 20:21:21 PST 2015

Chris's points about smaller -ad and larger image size oversampling
are spot on. I ran some tests about a decade ago and found that very
large images with relatively low -ad (and -as) generated better
renderings for a given compute time. Results with images are here:


This won't affect the artifact sizes (-ar will), but it's definitely
related to your task.


On 1/27/15, Christopher Rush <Christopher.Rush at arup.com> wrote:
> Mike,
> Out of curiosity, at what image size (pixels) are you rendering, and are you
> using pfilt to filter down to the final image? I believe rendering many
> extra pixels with lower –ad and filtering down by /5, /10, etc. is the
> typical approach for the sake of rendering time when setting –aa 0. I’m not
> an expert in this, just recalling things I’ve seen in the distant past. I
> wonder if this approach would also reduce the size of those rendering
> artifacts.
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