[Radiance-general] no Graph

Jonathan Zhu jonathan.zhu.uk at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 09:28:16 PST 2015

Hi everyone,


I am new to Radiance and I run it in the VMware workstation virtual machine
with Ubuntu.

I have the book 'Rendering with Radiance' and at the end of the first
chapter there is a tutorial to show what Radiance can do briefly.

I am now following the instruction to input a simple room and input the
following code in Ubuntu terminal:


vi room.rad

void light bright



3 100 100 100

void plastic red_plastic



5 .7 .05 .05 .05 .05

bright sphere fixture



4 2 1 1.5 .125

red_plastic sphere ball



4 .7 1.125 .625 .125

%oconv room.rad>test.oct

%getinfo test.oct

%rview -vp 2.25 .375 1 -vd -.25 .125 -.125 -av .5 .5 .5 test.oct

%rview -defaults


In book it said that an image of a red ball can be seen on the screen, but
for me, nothing happened. I suppose it might be a graphic interfacing
problem but I don't how to solve it.

Besides, I found a little strange that every time when I tried to input 'vi
room.rad', I cannot directly input the next line which is 'void light
bright', I must input an 'o' first and then 'void light bright'. Can someone
explain this.


Many thanks,


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