[Radiance-general] IESNA Files & LumBuild

Brian Karr brianakarr at yahoo.com
Mon May 26 15:50:22 PDT 2014

I'm curious how well have people been able to find IESNA data for standard
luminaries? I have been searching the web for candlepower distribution files
for standard PAR38 LED lamps you might find at your local home improvement
store, for conversion to an imposter surface.


I haven't had a lot of luck but I'm still looking! I came across Krzysztof
Wandachowicz's papers on calculating luminaires for Radiance, getting me
thinking more often the data might not be available and a measurement is


Also of interest is a Masters Thesis by Randolph Fritz describing the
development of a luminaire modeling program called LumBuild. I haven't found
much follow on information related to the program?


Appreciate any knowledge you can share!


Thank you,


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