[Radiance-general] revising geometry

Lars O. Grobe grobe at gmx.net
Thu Jul 15 13:57:12 PDT 2010

Hi Jia,

I have never used Revit, but if it really does not show the model vertex 
coordinates or if it changes them during export, you should still find 
out by wrapping you scene into a cube that you can use as a reference 
coordinate system. Create a simple cube of e.g. 100m x 100m x 100m so 
that all you model is inside, and find the reference point of you model 
(usually you will have some reference point that is known and used for 
the plans). Get the coordinates of the reference point relative to the 
corners of the cube. Then import the scene into Radiance and get the 
bounding cube of the scene (getbbox yourmodel.rad). This should give you 
the coordinates of the cube after import into Radiance, at least unless 
Revit rotated or scaled the model during export. From these you can find 
the reference point's coordinates in the Radiance scene. Still, really 
strange if there is no simple way to keep the coordinates from Revit and 
read them out from the CAD...

Cheers, Lars.

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