[Radiance-general] mkillum illuminating outside?

Rob Guglielmetti rpg at rumblestrip.org
Wed Feb 11 08:28:26 PST 2009

Jack de Valpine wrote:
> Hi Lars,
> One thing that we do to confirm orientation is to test the relevant 
> geometry by assigning a glow material. Front will "glow" back will be 
> black.

If you're using AutoCAD, you can select the element and then step 
through the vertex order in the properties dialog box.  There is also an 
autoLISP routine floating out there on the intertubes that draws an 
arrow indicating the normal, and has a flip function too.  I realize 
this is modeling tool-specific, and is one step removed from the actual 
Radiance scene description, but I mention it anyway, just because.  =8-)

- Rob

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