[Radiance-general] mapping texture

Giulio Antonutto Giulio.Antonutto at arup.com
Wed Jul 20 16:16:27 CEST 2005



the ultimate mapping solution is to use the mesh primitive,

you may create an UV map within your favourite 3D modelling application
and forget about Px Py and all the xform instances....


I use cinema 4d and it works brilliantly... also in conjunction with
bodypaint is a killer...

You may also use the UV map to generate procedural patterns... just
change Px with Lu and Py with Lv....


This is an example:


By means of .obj file format you can import the geometry into radiance:

something like:

obj2mesh -a material.mat model.obj > model.mesh


The obj file includes already the UV coordinate system.

You need just to define radiance materials in material.mat.

If you have a pattern and you want to tile it, just use this syntax into
the material definition:


void colorpict pattern

7 red green blue image.pic . (A*Lu-floor(A*Lu)) (Lv-floor(Lv)) 




pattern plastic finalmaterial



5 1 1 1 0 0


where A is the ratio between the Xmax and the Ymax in the image. 


finally you need a radiance file that loads the mesh,

this is achieved with the mesh primitive:



void mesh painting

1 model.mesh




and so on.


No light sources can be included into meshes, so remember to split your


hope this helps,






From: radiance-general-bounces at radiance-online.org
[mailto:radiance-general-bounces at radiance-online.org] On Behalf Of
Huangwx at kyotoUniv.
Sent: 20 July 2005 02:59
To: radiance-general at radiance-online.org
Subject: [Radiance-general] mapping texture


Hi, all:


I am new to radiance. I have asked one question about mapping texture
and thanks very much for your answers. But now I am still not clear
about those functions.

I use "frac(U) frac(V) " to tile the texture just like an example I
found on the Internet. But I found there are other methods to do so such
as "tile_u tile_v". I have searched in the book "Rendering with
Radiance", but can not find explanation about it.  Also I can not find
further explanations of function clip( ) and noop( ). Is there anything
I can refer to or are they just somwhere in the book "Rendering with


Would you please help me on this naive question? Thanks a lot.




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