[Radiance-general] Off-topic: PLEASE VOTE!!

Carsten Bauer cbauer- at t-online.de
Mon Nov 1 13:45:11 CET 2004


just had a look at that betavote-site. Is there a reason why the pic of 
Bush looks absolutely sharp while that Kerry is obviously a bit blurred, 
or is it just pure accident :-)..

BTW, a recent poll here in Germany gave 73% for Kerry and 17% for Bush, 
a bit differing from the betavote numbers. The funny thing is, that so 
many people who aren't interested in their own countries politics, and 
who probably haven't gone to vote locally since years, now want to 
participate.. .

BTW #2 for me, the question of Bush or Kerry is still a bit boring, but 
if one day Arnold Schwarzenegger runs for president, I wanna vote, too !!!


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