[Radiance-general] Whats causing these problems in my pics?

John Sutherland js0754 at bris.ac.uk
Sun Mar 28 16:59:22 CEST 2004

Whats causing the blotching in the dark corners of objects? Its not so
bad on the first without stained glass but the second is really bad, the
first is just glass glass on the windows, the second is dark stained
glass. Its definitely not low render settings, the one without stained
glass took nearly 24 hrs and the other 8 hrs. Both of these renders were
done with these parameters of rpict
-x 2560 -y 2048 -ar 128 -ad 512 -aa .15 -as 256 -ab 3
Both were done with mkillum using -ab 2 -av 18.9 18.9 18.9 on the
lighter non stained glass and just -ab 2 on the second darker render
with the book. The textures are not low quality, and externally this
renders great, but internally they are really bad in corners? 
Whats going wrong?
Cheers John
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