[Radiance-general] Re: falsecolor and textlabels question

Rob Guglielmetti rpg at rumblestrip.org
Wed Mar 17 21:31:43 CET 2004

Greg Ward wrote:

> Rpict doesn't "remember" the setting from a previous run, if that's what 
> you're thinking.  It only remembers it from previous appearances of the 
> option.  

OK.  Thanks for the explanation.  You've taught me something new...

> In other words, giving an option then overriding it later on the command 
> line makes sense in terms of creating your own default sets, which you 
> can incorporate into an alias as above or put into an options file and 
> read with the @file.opt feature.  Using rad, the render= variable 
> overrides whatever parameters rad has set for you.
> Does this make sense?

Yes, perfect sense.  Thanks, Greg.  It never occurred to me to "roll my 
own" commands by aliasing a command and my preferred options (I know 
this is lame, but UNIX gets cooler all the time!).  Now that I 
understand that scenario, it makes perfect sense that you would have to 
allow for the possibility of an option being "set twice", once by the 
alias and then again as an actual commmand line argument.

And in case you're wondering, no, I don't type out the commands all the 
time.  But I use scripts with hard-coded options, so this scenario you 
described just never materialized in my head before.  This alias method 
is much more flexible, while being simpler to boot.  Cool, thanks, etc...

- Rob G.

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