[Radiance-general] radiance install OS 10.1.5

Rob Guglielmetti [email protected]
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 16:34:41 -0500

Fitzsimmons, Rob wrote:

> Yes - OSX - I Downloaded from the Radiance website
>  version 3.4
> I actually DL'd both  rad3R4.tar.gz  and  radbin_osx.tar.gz
> But it sound like I didn't need the rad3R4, since it has already been
> compiled as radbin_osx?
> I DL'd and unpacked all the files in a radbin_osx  folder
> Are you saying I'm good to go? I didn't need to compile. (I actaully thought
> I was installing, not compiling!)

OK, sorry about the confusion.  Yes, if you have radbin_osx you're 
pretty close:

Copy the binaries to /usr/local/bin/ray (permissions should be set 
already, but if you get "permission denied" errors when you try to run 
things, run "chmod -R a+rx /usr/local/bin/ray", sans quotes, from the 
command line).

 From the source distribution, copy the /ray/lib folder to: 

Add the radiance directory to your search path, by adding this line:

set path=(/usr/local/bin/ray $path)

... to your .cshrc file (which is in your home directory).

I think that was all I had to do to get things going on OS X.  And do 
have a look at the various documentation and sample files in the source 

Good luck!  Have fun!  Enough shouting!


      Rob Guglielmetti

e. [email protected]
w. www.rumblestrip.org