[Radiance-openstudio] Illuminance Map

Guglielmetti, Robert Robert.Guglielmetti at nrel.gov
Wed Mar 27 08:06:39 PDT 2013

Hi Khalid,

Nope, size of the illuminance map should not affect the reported energy savings. The savings in the latest OpenStudio versions are based on the illuminance at the daylighting control point, and of course the setpoint.

What version of OpenStudio are you using? I am happy to look at your model and your test process so we can see what's going on there. I'm on vacation this week but have access to email, just sporadically. Let me know how I can help!


Rob Guglielmetti
NREL Commercial Buildings Research Group
Golden, CO 80401
robert.guglielmetti at nrel.gov

-----Original Message-----
From: Khalid [khalid.ud at gmail.com<mailto:khalid.ud at gmail.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 03:13 PM Mountain Standard Time
To: 'Discussion of Radiance with OpenStudio'
Subject: [Radiance-openstudio] Illuminance Map

Hi All
In EnergyPlus , by the use of “ Daylighting:Controls “,  daylighting illuminance levels are calculated and then used to determine how much the electric lighting can be reduced.
Estimating daylight will not be affected by the size of illuminance map. However, by the use of radiance  I noticed that Illuminance map size will have an effect on the results of the energy consumption of a building  (Energy Per Conditioned Building Area). I did not understand why the illuminance map will affect such results ….

Thanks all


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