[Radiance-openstudio] OpenStudio-E+ daylighting calculation

CAMMARANO SILVIA d022903 at polito.it
Tue Nov 20 07:16:49 PST 2012

Hi Robert,
let me ask you a question about the calculation that you can do within OpenStudio interface 
without checking "Use Radiance for daylighting calculation".
In this case are interior artificial lighting consumption results derived only from light schedule 
or are they based also on EnergyPlus daylighting calculation?
That's something not so clear for me.

Any news about the three-phase method?

Thanks a lot!


arch. Silvia Cammarano
PhD student in "Energetics"
Energy Department

Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24
10129 Torino, Italy

phone :  +39.011.0904410
fax   :  +39.011.09044499
e-mail:  silvia.cammarano at polito.it
skype :  silvia.cammarano


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