[Radiance-general] Ray tracing

Guglielmetti, Robert Robert.Guglielmetti at nrel.gov
Mon Aug 8 08:09:20 PDT 2016

A very simple answer: yes. =)

Through recent updates to Radiance, Roland Schregle's photon map work has been fully integrated into Radiance proper. The photon map is essentially a forward ray tracing preprocess, which nets you some of the niceties of forward raytracing (e.g. caustics). Is that what you're looking for?

The current version of the source code has all this stuff in it. If you're looking for a package (installer), the last one NREL released does have the initial checkin in there, but there have been some bug fixes since then; I'm trying to find time to get an updated set of packages together.

Latest NREL release:

- Rob

On 8/8/16, 8:24 AM, "Jiajie Zhu" <jonathan.zhu.uk at gmail.com<mailto:jonathan.zhu.uk at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi everyone,

A very simple question.
I know that fundamentally Radiance conduct rendering by backward ray tracing approach, does the latest version of Radiance includes any forward ray tracing?

Best Regards,

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