[Radiance-general] Fwd: rcontrib for rendering - missing required modifier argument

Christopher Rush Christopher.Rush at arup.com
Wed May 13 07:25:14 PDT 2015

What do you use to view the HDR image? Try typing:
ximage -e auto window_000.hdr

This will automatically adjust the exposure of your image upon initially opening the file. It could be that your image does have non-zero values but the exposure is skewed in your viewpoint making it look black with the default exposure value.

Or type
ximage window_000.hdr
then hit the ‘a’ key while ximage is active to view it with automatic exposure
while ximage is active you can also hit the ‘=’ key and click a point in the image to adjust the exposure according to various points in the image

From: urtza.uriarte at upc.edu [mailto:urtza.uriarte at upc.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 5:01 AM

However, generated window_000.hdr file does not have light. It is a black image, even though, the render generated by rvu of the room it is ok.
Do you know why does it happen?

Thank you!
Kind regards,

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