[Radiance-general] how to 1) simulate reflected solar radiation and 2) longwave radiation from heated surface

David Davidson this.is.david.davidson at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 23:44:39 PST 2015

Thank you very much, Greg! Can you suggest alternative approaches for this
type of task, e.g. CFD software?

- D.

Greg Ward <gregoryjward at gmail.com>于2015年1月21日星期三写道:

> Hi David,
> While it may be possible to do something like this through careful scene
> design & trickery, Radiance is not geared towards long-wave IR calculations
> and under normal conditions, reflectors cannot also serve as emitting
> surfaces.  It is also tricky to separate components, such as distinguishing
> what came from building surfaces from the sky component.  Again, there are
> ways to accomplish it, but it's an advanced task and there would definitely
> be some debugging involved.
> Cheers,
> -Greg
> *From: *David Davidson <this.is.david.davidson at gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','this.is.david.davidson at gmail.com');>>
> *Subject: *[Radiance-general] how to 1) simulate reflected solar
> radiation and 2) longwave radiation from heated surface
> *Date: *January 17, 2015 12:57:50 AM PST
>  Dear list,
> May I ask if Radiance can simulate the following:
> 1. the amount of solar radiation (both direct and diffuse) receivable for
> a given point that is reflected from a given nearby surface, e.g the amount
> of solar radiation at the centre of a 10x10 courtyard and 2m above ground
> that is reflected from the building surfaces facing the courtyard.
> 2. the amount of longwave radiation received on a given point contributed
> as a result of a nearby surface that are heated by the sun,
> Thanks!
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