[Radiance-general] rsensor vs. rtrace

John Mardaljevic J.Mardaljevic at lboro.ac.uk
Fri May 9 03:20:58 PDT 2014

Hi Bshara (& Rob),

> As far as the 30% difference, it's hard to say if that's good agreement or poor, without knowing more about the model, particularly how you re-created the sky conditions for the model.

For a real-world setting (with trees!), I'd say you were doing pretty good to get within 30%.  Is that repeatable for other times/days?  If not, it might be a 'lucky hit'.  Either way, comparison of simulation with measurements is a valuable exercise I'd recommend to anyone new to Radiance (or any lighting simulation program for that matter).


John Mardaljevic PhD FSLL
Professor of Building Daylight Modelling
School of Civil & Building Engineering
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU, UK

Tel: +44 1509 222630 (Direct)
Tel: +44 1509 228529 (Pam Allen, secretary)

j.mardaljevic at lboro.ac.uk


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