[Radiance-general] RE : Light Shelf Reflections

Shamim Javed javeds2006 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 19:50:48 PDT 2013

Dear Colleagues,

My sincere thanks to Andy and everyone else who have tried to help me in
the last few days with my light shelf reflection problem.  Finally I have
some results which are more convincing:

The directionality (surface normal) of the the ceiling mirror surface seem
to be one of the major things that was throwing me off.  My next step is to
import the values of these multiple reflections on to a simulation grid so
that I can plot them as a graph.

Your support meant much to me.

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Shamim Javed <javeds2006 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Please see the following:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/e2kacbqnbvgw7dc/LS%20Reflection_15mar.pdf
> I have tried to document my steps...  no success as yet.  Will keep
> trying...
> Shamim.
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 7:00 PM, Andrew McNeil <amcneil at lbl.gov> wrote:
>> Shaim,
>> Can you try typing the commands I sent directly at the dos prompt?
>> That would tell us if it is a problem with the outdated version of
>> Radiance you are using or if it is a problem with the Ecotect Radiance
>> Control Panel.  I still think it is a problem with the latter as the
>> commands settings didn't get into the header created by Radiance.
>> I'd rather determine if Ecotect related software is the cause now, rather
>> than going further assuming that it is Radiance (which I doubt, but I am
>> biased).
>> Andy
>> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Randolph M. Fritz (i) <
>> randolph+LD at panix.com> wrote:
>>> 1998 is pretty old--it's possible we're giving you advice for newer
>>> versions.
>>> NREL has a newer release of Radiance for Windows. I'm pretty sure you
>>> can hook it up with Ecotect, but I'm not sure exactly how.  Anyone done
>>> this?
>>> Randolph
>>> On 2013-03-15 20:19:41 +0000, Shamim Javed said:
>>>  I looked at the files generated by Radiance via Ecotect and it looks
>>>> like the version of Radiance it is using is 3.1.8.  Here is a copy of one
>>>> of the files generated:
>>>> "#?RADIANCE
>>>> oconv mirror_scorrected_sky.rad mirror_scorrected.rad
>>>> rpict -t 120 -vth -vp 9.628 4.564 6.510 -vd -1.701 0.360 -0.007 -vu 0 0
>>>> 1 -vh 180 -vv 180 -vs 0 -vl 0 -dp 1024 -ar 45 -ms 0.17 -ds .3 -dt .1 -dc .5
>>>> -dr 1 -sj .7 -st .1 -ab 4 -af RCP.amb -aa .2 -ad 400 -as 64 -av 0.01 0.01
>>>> 0.01 -lr 6 -lw .002 -i -x 64 -y 64 -ps 1
>>>> SOFTWARE= RADIANCE 3.1.8 lastmod Thu Sep 17 20:49:56 PDT 1998 by
>>>> droberts on escher"
>>>> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Randolph M. Fritz (i) <
>>>> randolph+LD at panix.com> wrote:
>>>> On 2013-03-15 15:17:59 +0000, Shamim Javed said:
>>>> I tried to replicate your simulation image (using Radiance via Ecotect)
>>>> but without success so far.
>>>> Where did you get your copy of Radiance? Do you know what version it is?
>>>> If not, "getinfo foo.hdr" will identify the version of Radiance that
>>>> generated foo.hdr.
>>>> Randolph
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>>> --
>>> Randolph M. Fritz
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