[Radiance-general] gendaylit error

Guglielmetti, Robert Robert.Guglielmetti at nrel.gov
Fri Jun 29 07:36:10 PDT 2012

If you just run the makeall script, it will ask you if you want to install
the lib files. Simply say yes and pick a location. Then make sure your
RAYPATH env variable matches that location and you should be good to go!

Rob Guglielmetti  IESNA, LEED AP
Commercial Buildings Research Group
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
15013 Denver West Parkway MS:RSF202
Golden, CO 80401
robert.guglielmetti at nrel.gov

On 6/28/12 11:39 PM, "kyle konis" <kskonis at gmail.com> wrote:

>Hi Rob,
>Thanks for the quick reply.  Indeed, you are correct, the issue was
>solved temporarily buy copying coeff_perez.dat (and defangle.dat) into
>Now the question is why where these files not there in the first place?
>Most likely user error, as i have just recently installed Radiance
>version 4.1, and have had some issues with installing Radiance over an
>existing version (v4.0).
>Perhaps in my haste during what ended up being multiple installs, i
>was not thoroughly following the instructions here:
>Make the library files (dont forget the dot (.) before the /makeall !)
>    cd /usr/local/ray
>    ./makeall library
>Be sure to specify /usr/local/ray/lib in the next step instead of the
>default /usr/local/lib/ray:
>    "Where do you want the library files [/usr/local/lib/ray]" <type
>/usr/local/ray/lib - hit return>
>Should the . . . .
>./makeall library
> . . . command place coeff_perez.dat into my /usr/local/ray/lib   ?
>I'll give it (the install) a try from scratch tomorrow . . .
>Radiance-general mailing list
>Radiance-general at radiance-online.org

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