[Radiance-general] Genskyvec error revisited

Guglielmetti, Robert Robert.Guglielmetti at nrel.gov
Thu Jul 26 08:39:33 PDT 2012

Howdy Thomas…

On 7/26/12 7:18 AM, "Thomas Bleicher" <tbleicher at googlemail.com<mailto:tbleicher at googlemail.com>> wrote:

Have you tried to print out the lines that are actually processed by genskyvec when it is running? The "validation" in the above code is very basic and will also fail if genskyvec does not receive any input at all.

Yup. Genskyvec.pl is indeed not getting anything when the full command chain is called. For example, this (Ruby) code:

tempIO = IO.popen("gendaylit -ang #{tsSolarAlt} #{tsSolarAzi} -L #{tsDirectNormIllum} #{tsDiffuseHorIllum}")
illumTemp = tempIO.readlines.to_s
puts "illumTemp: #{illumTemp}"

…at runtime, prints the gendaylit output. But this code:

tempIO = IO.popen("gendaylit -ang #{tsSolarAlt} #{tsSolarAzi} -L #{tsDirectNormIllum} #{tsDiffuseHorIllum} | genskyvec#{perlExtension} -m 1 | dctimestep ./output/dc/#{space_name}/maps/#{space_name}_map.dmx | rcalc -e #{vLambda}")
illumTemp = tempIO.readlines.to_s
puts "illumTemp: #{illumTemp}"

…at runtime, prints nothing. I had exactly the same thought of modifying genskyvec.pl to accept a file as input but I'd like to avoid the extra file I/O. I hope to have time to look at this some more today. Thanks for the input!

- Rob

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