[Radiance-general] using turbidity in gensky

Christopher Rush Christopher.Rush at arup.com
Fri May 6 06:24:32 PDT 2011

E(global-h) = E(diffuse-h) + E(direct-h)


E(global-h) = (-B value) + (-R value)

Note that this is different than the values used for gendaylit -W or -L which require direct *normal* and diffuse horizontal. But for gensky it seems the horizontal value is used for both diffuse and direct components, so take advantage of the additive nature of light.

From: David Appelfeld [mailto:d.appelfeld at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 8:25 PM

I was not sure if I can use -R option, because I have available only global horizontal irradiation and illuminance and it seems from gensky manual that I need to have direct irradiance measured horizontally without the diffuse contribution.

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