[Radiance-general] rendering without shadow

Thomas Bleicher tbleicher at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 20 07:00:00 PST 2011


Your problem description is a bit cryptic. Could you please clarify
what your problem exactly is and add a few details about your scene
and the exact command you  used to render your picture.

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:58 AM, Brajesh Lal <brajeshlal at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I am using rpict command , i need to render the scene without shadows.
> How i can do it ?

Rendering a scene completely without shadow is probably possible but
it would not look good. You need shadows to see the shape of objects.

You seem to be new to Radiance so I am speculating a bit about your
problem: Your rendered an image but everything that is not in direct
(sun)light is totally black?

If this is the case you have to add the option "-ab 2" to your rpict
command line to calculate the light in areas that only receive
reflected light. Depending on your scene you should increase the "-ab
2" to "-ab 5" or "-ab 6" to capture the ambient light more accurately.
However, I assume that you also need to set other parameters to
improve the quality of your rendering/calculation.


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