[Radiance-general] rpict image rendering problem

Christopher Rush Christopher.Rush at arup.com
Tue Apr 26 08:59:39 PDT 2011

The ambient resolution affects the image quality depending on the size of the scene relative to the size of the area of interest (for example the size of the ground plane relative to the size of an interior room). So if you have a 10m scene, and add a ground plane to make it 100m total, the -ar setting should be raised just to keep image quality the same as it was without the ground plane. If the image wasn't very smooth to start, then raising -ar even further may help.

From: Ji Zhang [mailto:hope.zh at gmail.com]

4. why does the additional ground surface cause the splotches? and how to correct it?
5. how to get a clean hdr image with smooth surfaces that have no splotches and jagged edges?
6. What are the key rpict parameters to control the image quality?

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