[Radiance-general] dumping xglaresrc result to a file

Thomas Bleicher tbleicher at googlemail.com
Thu May 27 05:51:30 PDT 2010

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Ery Djunaedy <ery.mailinglist at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thomas,
> Thanks for the suggestions.
> I am trying to avoid the first option that you suggested below. I get the
> impression that it is more difficult. Can you elaborate further?
> I tried your suggestion to use xwd. The problem with this route is that both
> the ximage (which is called by xglaresrc) and the xwd are interactive
> programs. We end up trying to automate something that is interactive.

ximage is interactive if you have to adjust the exposure of the image
first. I think you could use pfilt on the image first to get a
reasonable exposure adjustment that displays nicely without further
tweaking. A pfilt preprocess will help with oversized image, too.

> The catch is how to select the window to be dumped. The xwd by default asks
> the user to click on the window to be dumped. I tried to use the HDR file
> name as the window_name and pass it to xwd. Something like:
> $ xwd -name sc01jd_view.hdr -out sc01jd_view.xwd
> It works but (1) it assumes that no other window is on top of this window
> and (2) it captures what is displayed. The first catch means that we cannot
> do anything else on the computer while the script is working. The second
> catch means that if the xglaresrc picture is bigger than the monitor (e.g.
> netbook screen) the picture is actually cut.

xwd is only one app to create screenshots. On Linux you have plenty of
other choices. I would have thought the biggest problem would be to
identify the window. If you can use the image name, fine.

As long as you use a screenshot based method you will always have to
keep the screen free of other windows. If you can't find the time to
let the computer run for a while and you need to do this type of
highlighting a few times you should invest some time in a script that
replaces xglaresrc without ximage. It really doesn't seem that
complicated. Initially I even thought it was a shell script ...

You should reduce the size of large images to something that fits on
your screen. Remember to run findglare again on the smaller size
image! xglaresrc uses a fixed text height and if you have a huge image
the text labels will look tiny.

> For now, I think I can live with that.

Problem solved then.


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