[Radiance-general] rtrace result varies for each calculation

Ji Zhang hope.zh at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 21:41:42 PDT 2010

Dear Radiance experts,

I found that the rtrace output may differ every time I execute this command,
even if the oct file and the sensor point file are the same.

The rtrace command I'm using is:

cat SENSORS.pts | rtrace -I -aa .2 -ab 8 -ad 1024 -as 512 -h -w -oov
scene.oct | rcalc -e '$1=$1;$2=$2;$3=$3;$4=179*(.265*$4+.670*$5+.065*$6)' >

in which:
1) "SENSORS.pts" describes the sensors' xyz coordinates and xyz vector,
2) "scene.oct" describes the geometry, material, and environment and sky
conditions (overcast sky with zenith radiance value set at 22.86)
3) "RESULTS_lx.dat" is expected to contain the xyz coordinates and
illuminance value of each sensor point.

However, I found that the output values in the RESULTS_lx.dat file varies
each time I execute this rtrace command in the Terminal in Ubuntu 10.04.

Is it normal? or is there anything wrong with my rtrace command parameters?

Hope you can help me on this!


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