[Radiance-general] rad program

Jia Hu hujia06 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 14:51:04 PDT 2010


I checked the rad. It has a good feature. But I am a little confused with
several variable settings

*rad* [ *-s* ][ *-n|-N* *npr* ][ *-t* ][ *-e* ][ *-V* ][ *-w* ][ *-v* *view*][
*-o* *device* ]  *rfile* [ *VAR=value* *..*  ]

(1) is that right the option [-v view] and "view" variable in .rif have the
same function?

(2)  For three sets (1) "OCTREE", (2)"scene" (3) "object" and "materials" ,
if I change files in "object" and "material", will .oct be updated when I
run "rad -t sample.rif" ?  Similarly, if I change files indicated in
"scene", the oct. will be updated even if "OCTREE" is not changed?


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 3:18 PM, Christopher Rush
<Christopher.Rush at arup.com>wrote:

>  You can even call rad from within a script.
> Define only the common settings for rad within the rif file, and those that
> change after each rad command within the script (scene=___ PICTURE=___ ).
> Check the rad manual page for usage syntax.
> A few of rad’s variables assign naming of output files, including PICTURE,
> OCTREE, RAWFILE, and AMBFILE (others?). Be sure to assign these names
> differently for each option in the script, otherwise your output images will
> default to common rif file name, or you could accidentally share an ambient
> file between options.
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