[Radiance-general] thank you!

Thomas Bleicher tbleicher at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 16 09:00:15 PST 2010

You can simply use the first bit of the command to generate the x,y,z file:

cnt 20 20 | rcalc -e '$1=1.3+0.470*$1;$2=1.300+0.470*$2;$3=1;' > coords.dat

Then use coords.dat and output.dat separately.

Alternatively, change the command so it writes the coords into the
output.dat file:

cnt 20 20 | rcalc -e '$1=1.3+0.470*$1;$2=1.300+0.
| rtrace -I -h -oov -ab 2 phfinalwithshelf.oct\
| rcalc -e '$1=$1;$2=$2;$3=$3;$4=179*(.265*$4+.670*$5+.065*$6)'>output.dat

Mind the additional "-oov" and the use of $1 through $6.

The "output.dat" file will not contain "x y z lux" per line with tabs
between them. Excel should not have a problem with that.


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