[Radiance-general] window glass modeling

Milan Cakanovic milan.cakanovic at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 29 07:23:47 PST 2010

Hi Marija,

> To render illuminance on a work plane, no need to input additional desk
> geometry into the scene. Everything you add in the scene has influence on
> light distribution and calculation time, so it is better to avoid adding of
> furniture geometry.

Thank you for advice. I do not plan to add a furniture.

> You can define sensor point on the workplane area.

My first plan was to define a few sensor points, but when I use rtrace with -ab
6 or 8 (for more accuracy), calculation takes a long time. For now, I will
define just one sensor point.

> Then for created octree and these set of points (save points in some file),
> you use rtrace -I option to calculate illuminance.
> Here is example command
> rtrace -I+ -h- -oov -ab 3 -ad 2048 -as 512 -aa 0.05 -av 0 0 0 -ar 100
> room.oct < sensors.txt | rcalc -e "$1=$1; $2=$2; $3=$3;
> $4=(0.67*$4+0.265*$5+0.065*$6)*179"  >illuminance.txt
> So rtrace command above calculates irradiance for sensor points defined in
> "sensors.txt". Then you pipe it to rcalc to convert it to illuminance.
> You have similar method in dayfact.csh script (included in Radiance
> distribution), so you can explore it.

Everything you've written here is useful, and I think it will help me.

I am from Serbia. Where are you from? Because of your name and surname, I guess
that you are from Serbia, B&H or Croatia.
If I am right,
   then Hvala i pozdrav,
if I wrong,
   then Thanks and regards.


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