[Radiance-general] Re: wxfalsecolor v0.1 binary download available

Thomas Bleicher tbleicher at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 21 01:12:42 PDT 2010


On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:38 PM, R Fritz <randolph+LD at panix.com> wrote:
> Very cool. & I even think I see something I can add to the project. Would
> you like me to try packaging falsecolor2.py for inclusion in the Python
> package index?

If you think it's worth doing it. I myself wouldn't advertise the
scripts as Python packages because the depend so heavily on Radiance.

BTW: Did you try the app already? I just got a report of a
warning/error message popping up on Windows XP. I haven't seen it at
home but here at work I can reproduce the message. I wonder if you had
seen it, too.

About further development:

I'm happy with what I have now. I only needed an image viewer that
wouldn't exceed the size of my screen like ximage does. The falsecolor
features where a nice add on I wanted to use to check my future
improvements on the falsecolor2 script.

I thought about restructuring the code to allow multiple images being
presented at the same time which would then allow us to perform some
image manipulations on them via pcomb (difference, relative
difference, blend, mask etc). However, when I need to do this now I'm
happy to do it on the command line. So it will probably not happen
soon unless there is a demand for these features.

I keep a TODO list in the source code tree:


I forgot to add "support for more image formats via PIL". I think that
covers my ideas for an image viewer.

I started the pyrat project on code.google.com because I have more
ideas for small tools that might be useful for others (especially on
Windows) and a few older Python scripts which might be resurrected in
the context.

1) rad2 / wxrad2

A new (graphical) rif file processor. I already had written parts of
rad in Python for my old Blender exporter. It's basically there to
avoid the need for a command line. You should be able to explore the
dependency tree, the individual calculation steps and progress of
running jobs. There are a couple of advanced calculation methods out
there (like stencil) that could be easily supported by a frontend like
this. Similar to trad and Ecotect's Radiance Control Panel.

2) render daemon

A small app that sits in your task bar and watches your running and
incoming *.rif or makefile-type render jobs. Could also have a network
component which offloads the work to a render server or farm. I need
something like this as a starting point for scenes exported from

3) Python bindings for HDR images

falsecolor2 uses the subprocess module and pvalue to read image data.
That takes a long time and is needlessly complicated. I would like to
try to compile the few methods necessary as C Python extensions. After
that the functionality of pcompos, pcomb and other p* apps could be
reimplemented in pure Python (or those could be made Python extensions
as well).

4) couple of scripts to create plots and PDF reports from grids

If your interested in any of this you're most welcome to join the project.


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