[Radiance-general] wxfalsecolor v0.1 binary download available

Thomas Bleicher tbleicher at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 20 15:20:40 PDT 2010


I have uploaded a binary package of wxfalsecolor, a Python based HDR
image viewer and graphical frontend to falsecolor2.

You can download the binary for Windows here:


There are no Mac or Linux binaries yet and I'm not sure if there ever
will be. It much simpler to use the source files on these platforms
directly. A Radiance installation is required (pcomb, pvalue, ra_bmp

I had no time to write documentation yet but I think it's use is
intuitive enough. The *.exe file allows drag and drop on the
executable and once the app is open on the image area. Once you have
opened an image you can convert it to a falsecolor image and save the
result as *.bmp.

You can also display the values of the pixel under the cursor. Check
the "show values" checkbox and the image data will be read and
converted (this can take some seconds). RGB and Lux values (only for
-i images) are shown in the status bar when you move the cursor over
the image.



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