[Radiance-general] RE: Water any news ???

Σωτήρης Παπαντωνίου sotos.enveng at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 06:56:37 PDT 2009

Hello again with a new question,

the pool I am trying to simulate has a bottom that it's depth varies. This
means that i can not use the poolcoords.cal formula as it is and i need to
make some necessary changes. The part of formula i don't understand, but i
think can not work as it is, is the following:

"floor_bin = floor(FloorXres*(Px - FloorOrigX)/FloorWidth) +
floor(FloorYres*(1 - (Py - FloorOrigY)/FloorLength))*FloorXres;"

In this formula 3 more parameters must be added in my opinion: FloorOrigZ,
FloorZres, FloorDepth.

The role of the this formula is to calculate how many points (bins) should
be used for calculating how much energy falls on them,

If someone can explain how the specific formula works [ floor(...) , Px, Py
], or give me directly a new one with the parameters of depth in it, I
whould be grateful.

Thank you in advance for your time

Sotiris Papantoniou
Welsh School of Architecture
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