[Radiance-general] gendaylit

Nick Doylend radiance at ndoylend.fastmail.fm
Wed Sep 24 04:21:25 PDT 2008

I'm sure I had it working on Windows once but I now can't get it to pick
up the coeff_perez.dat file - it's in my radiance/lib folder, correctly
specified in my RADPATH variable.  Should it be somewhere else?

Compiling on Ubuntu 7.10 seems to work, albeit with the following

gcc  -c fropen.c
fropen.c: In function ‘fropen’:
fropen.c:45: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in
function ‘strcpy’

Should I worry about this?

Finally, which output option should I use if I want similar output to
gensky, W/m2.sr (solar), W/m2.sr (visible), or lm/m2.sr.  I'm guessing
the former?


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