[Radiance-general] Converting Kelvin to cxy

iebele info at iebele.nl
Mon Nov 5 00:40:42 PST 2007

Hi there

I try to convert different color temperatures into cie xy values for use 
in lamptab.
The script below is meant to convert degrees Kelving to cxy values, for 
use in the lamp.tab file like this :
/2800K/         0.4519 0.4086         1.0
/2150K/         0.5108 0.4150         1.0
The result is a bit strange, since the lower the kelvin value, the more 
white my resulting lampcolor gets.

Any suggestions?



if ( $#argv < 1 ) then
 echo "Usage $0 KELVIN "
 echo "Convert degrees Kelvin to spectral values and cie-xy "

echo "cct $1"  > .Kelvin.tmp
echo ""
echo "spectral values of $1 K source:"
mgfilt c,cspec .Kelvin.tmp
echo ""
echo "cie xy values of $1 K source:"
mgfilt c,cxy .Kelvin.tmp
echo ""

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