[Radiance-general] RE: Radmap: to produce irradiation map

Prasanta Bhattarai bhattarai at simcenter.org
Mon Dec 10 13:09:14 PST 2007

Dear Francesco & Rob,

Thanks for all your help.

Yes, Rob's suggestions really helped. I downloaded the latest version of
the radmap, and the shadows on the rendering now are coming in a correct
orientation. Although my original problems (of orientation & using rpict
options) were solved by using the newer version of radmap, I have some
more issues. 

The rendering I am getting are not smooth and I am seeing horizontal
bands on these renderings. I am not sure what exactly the problem is. I
have tried to run simulation several times, in different computers, but
each time I get similar results. 

I am providing you all following links which has false color images of
existing and proposed conditions, and a file which has all rendering
commands and the background process that is carried out during
simulation, (hoping this would help). 

Radmap falsecolor image links: 
http://esc.freeshell.org/Radiance/rend_process.htm   (background
(existing condition simulation)
(proposed condition simulation)

I would really appreciate if someone could help me figure out what's
going on with this simulation. 

Thanks in advance,


-----Original Message-----
From: Francesco Anselmo [mailto:pisuke at blueyonder.co.uk] 
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 5:02 PM
To: Radiance general discussion
Subject: RE: [Radiance-general] Radmap: to produce irradiation map

Dear Prasanta,

Sorry for the late reply, and thanks to Rob for helping out.

> I assume, for latitude 40.8 north, longitude 73.9 west & meridian 75
> west of Greenwich, the location options in radmap should be 
> "-a 40.8 -o -73.9 -m -75". Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes this is correct.

Judging from your previous command line option you are using
the default cumulative sky method, and you can relax the sky resolution 
to a lower value, for example 128, saving a lot of time without
compromising results.

As Rob pointed out, you should download a more recent version of
radmap, and on unix systems it runs without need to compile it, 
provided that you have python installed.

Let me know how it works. 



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