[Radiance-general] 3.8 Falsecolor Scale

Mark de la Fuente MdelaFuente at wmtao.com
Sat Nov 11 19:14:58 CET 2006

I find people understand the blue - red scale as well.  Since falsecolor
images are usually presented to clients, having "bloody" pictures is
often a very effective communication tool.  Probably some psychological
thing that dates back to hunting mammoths saber tooth tigers!
The one drawback I always saw to the old scale was that if one sets the
scale at 3500 lux, the fist number shown is something like 3281.25. 
(Under that lighting condition, my light meter measures at +/- 10 lux!)
It would be great to start at 3500 lux and have the ability to drop or
set the decimal places.  It always confuses people when I tell them red
is 3500 lux but they can't find the number as they scan the scale.
I've not had a chance to try out the new scale but offer the
In AGI, one is able to set the maximum light level in the image as the
top of the falsecolor scale like so.
Or You can set the scale and make it so whatever you set is displayed
at the top.
I suppose in Radiance one could to a pextrem command on a picture to
get the maximum value and then use that to set the scale, but having it
spit out something like the following can be a little intimidating.  :)
499 499 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
322 218 2.706250e+01 2.693750e+01 2.706250e+01
I've tried to use this before, but have come up with numbers I don't
feel comfortable using.
Seems like a "-s max" setting would be useful.  Where setting the scale
to "max" would automatically check the image and set the scale to the
max pixel value automatically.
Hope some of that is useful.
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