[Radiance-general] Rtcontrib with ies2rad

Andrew McNeil Andrew.McNeil at arup.com
Tue May 23 14:44:59 CEST 2006

Hi everyone,


I've finally gotten around to using rtcontrib and am having a little
difficulty.  I have 5 rows of luminaires and am trying to calculate the
illuminance contribution from each row of luminaires to a grid point.
To test my model, I am first calculating only the direct component from
the luminaires to the points.


The command I'm using is as follows:


rtcontrib -I+ -ab 0 -o out.dat -m y_down1_light -m y_down2_light ...
model.oct < grid.pts


I've pasted the luminaire file for the first row of luminaires at the
end of this email for reference.  


I expected that the sum of the rtcontrib output values would be the same
as he output from a straight rtrace calculation.  What I got when I
summed the rtcontrib output was 3% of the rtrace calculation ( 18 vs 530
).  After some experimentation, I found that I get the same value (18)
with rtrace if I remove the brightdata modifier from the light primitive
(replacing "y_down1_dist" with "void" in the luminaire file).  So I
figured I must have been using the wrong modifier in my rtcontrib
command.  But, when I tried other modifiers (y_down1_dist and y_down1.d)
rtcontrib returned zeros.


So to finally get to the point, what is the correct modifier to use in
rtcontrib to get the illuminance contributions WITH the brightdata
photometry?  Or maybe there is something else I'm doing wrong?







Luminaire rad file for the first row (from ies2rad):


void brightdata y_down1_dist

5 flatcorr y_down1.dat source.cal src_phi4 src_theta 


1 6.52358


y_down1_dist light y_down1_light



3 1 1 1


y_down1_light polygon y_down1.d




      -24   -1.98 -0.00984252

      -24   1.98  -0.00984252

      24    1.98  -0.00984252

      24    -1.98 -0.00984252


y_down1_light polygon y_down1.u




      -24   -1.98 0.00984252

      24    -1.98 0.00984252

      24    1.98  0.00984252

      -24   1.98  0.00984252



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