[Radiance-general] gloss and area light source rendering problem

Yun-Xian Ho yunxian.ho at nyu.edu
Mon May 22 13:50:51 CEST 2006

Hi All,

I have been having problems rendering a glossy bumpy surface composed of 
intersecting ellipsoids illuminated under a rectangular light source. 
The image appears to contain some random point source reflections on the 
surface in addition to the direct reflection of the area light.

To view the rendered image, see: 

The bumpy surface is made of the following material:
void plastic gray_plastic
5 .2 .2 .2 .1482 0

and a 30x24 flat rectangular light source is defined as:
void light bright
3 25 25 25

I use the following parameters to render the scene:
-ab 2 -aa .08 -ad 1024 -as 512 -av .2 .2 .2 -sj 1 -st .01 -dj 1 -ds .05

Any suggestions to clean up the "noise" in the image? Much thanks...


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