[Radiance-general] Re: Radiance-general Digest, Vol 24, Issue 23

Jelle Feringa / EZCT Architecture & Design Research jelleferinga at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 13:22:35 CET 2006

Marcus, Greg,

I had somewhat the opposite experience in terms of render speed / the
mesh//polygon primitive.
On a less technical note, the mesh primitive has allowed me to efficiently
render complex geometry, which was nearly impossible to compile into an
Certainly for geometry which has a lot of overlapping triangles, the mesh
primitive has had a significant on memory consumption.
I cannot explain why, but I've been able to render geometry produced by
obj2mesh, where oconv required absurd -r values, and massive memory
consumption to produce incredible slow, massive octrees.
In short, I think the mesh primitive has allowed one to produce & render
complex  geometry very efficiently.
This underscores Greg's remark that the efficiency of the mesh primitive is
largely scene dependent.
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