[Radiance-general] estimating -av values, color

Lars O. Grobe grobe at gmx.net
Thu Jul 21 19:29:42 CEST 2005

Hi list,

I have a question regarding the so-often given advice to use a neutral 
-av setting. Why? Is it assumed that in general, the light conditions 
in a building are like that? I have used a -av of .5 .5 .5 here, 
together with -ae excluded objects (I wrote enough questions on that 
topic ;-). This results in a strange image, as the calculated ambient 
is redish, and the ambient-excluded objects appear very strange (like 
blueish) because they are the only objects illuminated by this neutral 
color. I can understand that if using -ab 0, setting a colored -av 
would not make sense as ALL indirect illumination would be neutral 

So, am I right that in the case here (I use the -av settings only for 
the -ae excluded objects in a scene that is rendered with -ab 2), using 
a neutral value would be simply wrong and I have to use the "measured" 
(from rview) radiance?

TIA+CU Lars.
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