[Radiance-general] mapping texture

Huangwx at kyotoUniv. ap.huangwx at archi.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Jul 20 03:58:32 CEST 2005

Hi, all:

I am new to radiance. I have asked one question about mapping texture and thanks very much for your answers. But now I am still not clear about those functions.
I use "frac(U) frac(V) " to tile the texture just like an example I found on the Internet. But I found there are other methods to do so such as "tile_u tile_v". I have searched in the book "Rendering with Radiance", but can not find explanation about it.  Also I can not find further explanations of function clip( ) and noop( ). Is there anything I can refer to or are they just somwhere in the book "Rendering with Radiance"?

Would you please help me on this naive question? Thanks a lot.

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