[Radiance-general] Macbethcal Reflectances

Marcus Jacobs marcdevon at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 23 19:44:09 CET 2005


I decided to go back and try to set up another calibration file. I used the 
same steps that I used before. The software associated with the flatbed 
scanner has no direct exposure controls, however there is an option (which I 
select) to do no color correction. This, I believe, prevents the enactment 
of the auto exposure feature. Here are the results (debug.pic) from my 
latest scan Macbeth color chart scan:


As you can see, many colors were out of gamut however the white and neutrals 
were able to be calibrated.  After running pcomb with my color swatch, the 
reflectances were still high (0.80 < x < 0.95 on a scale from 0 - 1). Here 
is the paint color swatch before calibration:


and after calibration


I usually take the sample and the center of each. Do you believe that the 
overall reflectances are valid or out of range?



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