[Radiance-general] Area lights breaking up?

Ian Tester ian at testers.homelinux.net
Thu Aug 25 01:41:28 CEST 2005

On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 09:11:01 -0600
Rob Guglielmetti <rpg at rumblestrip.org> wrote:

> P.S.
> I had a look at your website Ian, any chance you might want to share 
> those perl scripts you have that generated your sphereflake and water 
> geometries?  I'm always interested in seeing geometry generators that 
> people have created.


Ok, I've put up a new page:

I've added my mkbubbles.pl script there. I'll look at adding more scripts
later. The problem is that I've written a few Perl modules for
vector and matrix maths, and simple radiance scene reading/writing. Most of
my perl scripts for Radiance use these modules. I'm not sure how much of a
hassle this will be for other people wanting to use my per scripts. Is it
easier for people to install a few small modules of mine, or for me to
modify my scripts to not use these modules?

I have my newer renderings up in my deviantART gallery along with some

Here's an older version of the billiard balls from about a month ago. My
first rendering with Radiance 3.7's DOF feature:


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