[Radiance-general] Obtaining RGB output data

alira at gsd.harvard.edu alira at gsd.harvard.edu
Wed Aug 24 22:59:04 CEST 2005

   hi all,

   I'm starting to use Radiance and I want to work with it in order to
simulate both daylight and artificial light. I want to change both the
RGB propeties of the light source and the materials. After Radiance
analizes the scene one can obtain as the output data, the luminance of
any point I select in my scene. Besides knowing what is the luminance
in any desired point, I'm very interested in knowing what is the RGB
component also of any point of the scene (such as if I were measuring
the RGB spectral component in several points of a room with a
spectometer). Is that possible? And if yes, what do you recommend me to
do in order to obtain this as an output data?

   I would appreciate any help.

Than you,

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